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This is a fund raiser to purchase tennis balls for South Clayton Community Tennis Association. SCCTA is a Domestic Nonprofit Corporation has been duly incorporated under the laws of the State of Georgia. SCCTA is exempt from federal incom tax under Internal Recenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c) (3). Donors can deduct contributions they make to SCCTA under IRC Section 170.
Funds from this fundraiser will be used to purchase balls for 10U. (Red, Orange and Green Dot balls) and 12U + (Orange balls). Balls are purchase in bulk format which wind up cheeper for the organization.
Doners who donation fifty dollars or grater have the option of accepting an adidas top. Adidas t-shirts are optional. All payment must be maid online. If making a donation using checks, please make it payable to South Clayton CTA.
The goal for this fund raiser is $3,500.00 which will allow us to purchase 145 cases of ball.
Thanks you in advance for your participation as we work to make tennis available to everyone and keeping the players on the court. We look forward to working with you and to a successful fundraiser.